Red Rose Manor ver 2.3
- now with Skyrim-inspired
crafting, “real” roses and
a fully voiced Aurora

Solve a fairytale-like mini-quest, gain a lovely medieval-style manor.
It was love at first sight when I found Stroti's wonderful modders resource
"Ravenhorst Manor", and ever since then I have wanted to make a
medieval style player abode with a fairytale-like quest.
The Red Rose Manor is the result of ten days intense work.
The Red Rose Manor is located on a hilltop on the road between Weye and
Skingrad. But, in order to gain access to it you have to talk to the female
mages at the Skingrad Mages Guild, who will know more about the house and
about the secret it has been holding for more than hundred years...
The Red Rose Manor is lore-friendly and furnished in medieval keep style.
Apart from the main cell with mainhall, master bed suite, attic and basement,
there is also an additional underground cave with a natural waterpool suitable
for swimming. The mod also includes two display-cases and 101 non-respawning
containers (many of them "mini-barrels) as well as one respawning
trash-bin and three respawning wool barrels.
New in ver 2.3
- Optional sheep! You can buy up to 6 sheep and lambs for Red Rose Manor at *Roxey Inn*. Shear your sheep and use the wool for yarn production with the crafting facilities in the manor!
If you are interested in crafting and farm animals, I recommend that you also use the "Useful farm animals" mod by me and Lycanthrops. These farm animals also for sale at Roxey Inn, which is why also the sheep are for sale there.
New in ver 2.1
- More crafting facilities - you can now
make your own iron, steel and silver weapons, your own iron and steel
armor and your own lockpicks. You
can also make statues in stone or coated with gold or silver. Jensine's store in the Imperial City Market district will
have supplies for you, but you can also achieve stones from your own
little quarry, right behind the rosehedge in the backyard, or by searching
the stones in the pool area. Read more in the description of crafting
facilities below.
New in ver 2.2
- Aurora is now fully voiced by Jezdamayel
New in ver 2
- Skyrim-inspired Crafting has been added. You can now convert pelts into
leather and make your own leather armor, you can smelt gold- and silver
nuggets as well as misc silver items like spoons, urns etc to get ingots,
and with the ingots you can craft your own jewelry. Additionally, you can
enhance gold- and silver jewelry with various gems before you sell them or
enchant them. An ingame Crafting Manual has been added - you'll find it both
at the basement workbench and in bookshelves, as well as in a couple of
other places in the manor.
- added a simple stable
- added an outdoor privvy.
- Last but not least - thanks to Lycanthrops,
Red Rose Manor now has "real" roses instead of the ones I made
using ivy-leaves and recolored dogwood bushes.
New in ver 1.1
- added a hedge with flower-shrubs in the backyard
- added an enchanting station in the attic.
- in addition to the companion keys (see below) there are now also companion
amulets, this in order to make things smoother for those who use keychain mods.
- adjusted some pathgrids.
- added little "shelves" at the windows on second floor; hopefully
this will keep the planters from falling down.
Several new interactive features:
- you may use wool from the wool barrels (respawning) to make your own yarn at
the spinning wheels.
- you may use yarn to make your own cloth bolts in the loom.
- you may use any cloth bolt (not folded cloth) to sew your own outfits by
using the equipment in the Sewing Kit Chest in the attic close to the wool
- you may make your own coffee from the coffee bin in the kitchen next to the
bread tin.
The manor is fully path-gridded and has five persistent beds (one doublebed
and four singlebeds). On top of that, there are two bedrolls that you can
activate and de-activate. I.e. you can live here comfortably with up to seven
In a small chest on a drawer in the attic you will find "companion
keys". Put a key in your companion's inventory, and this will give the
companion additional options. You will be able to tell the companion where to
go in the house, or to take a walk outdoors, or swim in the underground pool,
or to do some small tasks for you (like sweeping the floors, raking the garden
or collecting ingredients).
Special Features
Crafting and cooking:
A crafting manual can be found in the manor,
on the workbench in the basement as well as in bookshelves and other
places. This is the content of it:
Smelter -In the
smelter, located at the rear of Red Rose Manor, you convert silver and gold
nuggets to ingots. You can also melt silver items like urns, vases, spoons
in order to get ingots and metal items like callipers, mugs, shears,
tankards to get scrap metal. Simply put the nuggets or items in the smelter.
Five pieces of scrap metal can be converted to
an iron ingot.
You can also make iron ingots from iron ore,
which you can buy from Jensine's store in the Imperial City Market District.
Use the bellows to light/extinguish the fire.
Crafting Jewelry
- Use the small hammer (activator) on the red cloth on the workbench to
craft your own jewelry. You will need ingots from the smelter in order to do
Enhancing Jewelry
- Use the small tongs (container) on the red cloth on the workbench to
enhance your gold jewelry with gems. You will need gold or silver jewelry
and appropriate gems (rubies, sapphires, emeralds or diamonds) in order to
do so. Put one gem and one piece of jewelry in the container. Close the
container and re-open it - your enhanced jewelry is ready!
Note that you can not make silver diamond
jewelry and that you cannot make any jewelry using flawed gems.
Tanning - At the
Tanning Rack you can craft leather of your bear- lion- or wolf pelts.
Leather Armor -
After you have converted pelts into leather, you can create your own leather
armor. NEW! Activate the leather gauntlets on the workbench in order to do
Armor Smithing -
Jensine in the Imperial City Market District will sell you steel- and iron
ingots. You can use them to forge your own steel- or iron armor. In order to
create armor, activate the steel hammer on the forge.
Weapon Smithing -
Jensine will sell you steel and iron ingots that you can use to make your
own steel- or iron weapons. If you additionally have silver ingots, you can
also make silver weapons. In order to make weapons, activate the hot sword
at the forge.
Lockpicks - You
can make your own lockpicks from scrap metal. Activate the lockpick on the
red cloth on the basement workbench.
Repair - You can
repair your armor at the basement anvil.
Wine making - Use
the Wine Maker to brew your own wine. You will need grapes in order to do
so. You will find enough grapes to start the production in the basement
You can pour yourself a bottle of wine or beer
from the kegs in the basement and in the kitchen.
Spinning - Use
the Spinning Wheels to spin your own yarn. Wool can be found in one
container in the basement and one in the attic. Note that the woold will
respawn over time, allowing you to spin more yarn. Jensine will also have a
supply of yarn for sale.
Weaving - Use the
loom in the attic to weave you own bolts of cloth. Note that you will need
yarn for this purpose.
Sewing - There is
a Sewing Chest in the attic. You can use it to make your own outfits. Note
that you will need bolts of cloth for this purpose.
Statues - You can
make your own statues of stones or of scrapmetal coated with gold or silver.
Apart from the stone bricks you can find scattered over Cyrodiil, there is a
little stone "quarry" behind the rose hedge in the backyard which
will respawn regularly, and further material can be found if you search the
stones in the waterpool area. Also Jensine at the Imperial City Market
District will have some stones for sale. Activate the Mara statue in the
garden to craft stone statues.
For gold- or silvercoated scrapmetal statues,
you need 10 scrapmetals and 4 gold- or silver ingots. Activate the Silver
Mara statue on the workbench in the basement.
Baking - You can
bake your own bread in the bread tin at the kitchen fireplace. Note that you
will need flour for this purpose (and further ingredients if you want to
bake other than common bread).
Soup - You can
make your own soup with beneficial effects in the cooking pot at the kitchen
fireplace. Note that you will need the appropriate ingredients for this
Coffee - You can
make your own coffee in the kitchen. There is a coffee jar placed next to
the Bread tin.
Alchemy -
Activate the mortar on the alchemy station in the attic in order to brew
your own potions.
Spellmaking and
Enchanting - There are spellmaking and enchantment stations available
in the attic.
The manor includes the following facilities:
- you may make your own soup in the cooking pot at the main hall fireplace.
- you may bake your own bread in the bread tin at the main hall fireplace
kitchen area.
- you may litght/turn out the fires by clicking on the watering cans placed
next to them.
- you may make your own alchemy potions by activating the mortar on the
alchemy desk in the attic.
- you may make your own spells at the spellmaking station in the attic.
- you may repair your equipment by activating the basement anvil.
- you may make your own wine in the basement winemaker.
- you may pour beer and wine from the kegs in the basement and in the main
hall. Please use the appropriate pitchers and tankards for this purpose.
- you may heal and cure yourself on a daily basis by praying at the altar on
the drawers to the left of the fireplace in the master bedroom.
- you may teleport to the major cities in Cyrodiil by activating the statue in
front of the mirror in the cave below the basement. In order to use the
teleport facility, you will have to find the hidden magic crystal ball.
- you may activate/deactivate the two extra bedrolls in the attic if the beds
aren't sufficient for all your companions. The yellow bedrolls are placed at
one of the walls.
- you may give your companions additional orders while in the manor. In order
to do this, make sure that they each carry a "companion key" which
can be found in a small chest on a drawer in the attic.
- daylight will automatically vanish during the night hours.
- the containers are non-respawning, with two exceptions: the "Companion
Key chest RESPAWNS" in the attic and the "Trashbin RESPAWNS"
barrel in the basement.
Just drop the bsa-package as well as the esp in your Oblivion/Data folder. Don't forget to check the mod when starting the game!
Stroti - for Ravenhorst modder resource as well as a huge part of the statics, furniture, stone statues and items that I have used for furnishing the manor.
(modders resources)
Lycanthrops - for the lovely roses; the indoor climbing roses and roses in vases, the outdoor rose bushes and the leaves on the outdoor climbing roses. Also for the tanning rack and the stable, the chamber pots in the bedside tables, the silver- and gold statues and for testing, troubleshooting and valuable suggestions.
Jbvw - for furniture and items originally belonging in his Vaernlor Manor mod
(modders resource permission)
Mr_Siilka - for the spinningwheel originally belonging in Castle Seaview
(modders resource permission)
MEO - for the modular fireplaces and the watering-cans. (modders resource)
Korana - for the loom.
Xiamara - for the wine racks and bedroll bags. (modders resource)
MagicNakor - for the unicorn tapestries. (modders resource)
Shawn Dworshak - for the alchemy desk script (modders resource)
Washington - for the sawing horse (modders resource)
Phaedra - for the rose flowers that climbs on the exterior walls (modders resource, rose bouqets -additional readme included)
CDCooley - for the new smelter/bellow scripts and for helping me preventing npcs from jumping off the balcony (adding subspace box).
Jezdamayel - for voiceacting Aurora.
DeFothers, Amgepo, Blockhead - playtesting, troubleshooting and valuable suggestions
Loriel - proofreading
My daughter Maja - valuable suggestions on storyline and furnishing.
The following COBL-features have been incorporated:
- The Luggage - is located in the attic, next to the stairs, but is only
available if you have found the original Luggage in Anvil.
- Alchemy sorter - is located together with the alchemy desk in the attic.
- Grinder - is located on the alchemy desk.
- Two dinnerplates are placed on the dinnertable in the mainhall.
- One of the kegs in the basement will give water if you are using a survival
- both the basement well and the well in the garden will give water if you are
using a survival mod.
I have choosen to make a COBL-add-on instead of a full COBL-version. My main
reason for this is that I tend to continue to tinker on and improve my mods, and
then I don't want to have to alter two esps. Obviously, the add-on has to load
AFTER Red Rose Manor, else many of the COBL-functions won't work.
Vilja in Red
Rose Manor - NOW VER 1.3
you are running ver 1.0 of this add-on you should upgrade in order to
make Vilja's "Cozy evening at home" topic work properly!
Requires: Companion Vilja ver 3.0.1 or
Red Rose Manor ver 1.0 or higher
If you are using my
Red Rose Manor and have Companion
Vilja by me and CDCooley in tow, you might want to use this
add-on. It adds new dialog to Vilja - dialog that will only be
available while you are in Red Rose Manor or in the area right outside
it - and it also gives her a number of new things to do while you are
staying in the manor. Among other things, she will take up painting,
and if you let her paint ever so often, she will now and then actually
complete a new painting that she will be happy to decorate your home
with (not as many as in the Aleswell add-on, though, as there aren't
many places in the manor that I find suitable for the purpose). She
will also help out in the garden, bring you a bottle of beer, go
shopping and actually return home with some goods. And you can ask her
to sit down with you at one of the fireplaces or at the dinnertable. A
number of tasks she will also perform spontaneously, without you
having to ask her. These occations are based on random 100 and will
probably not happen every day.
She will also have additional chatter and comments related to the
manor, and if she is with you while you are doing the quest for the
manor, she will comment on this as well.


Download links:
are welcome to discuss and ask questions about my mods in my