Tools to make modding, gaming and computing a bit easier
Browser - by Argent
This utility allows you to browse, search, pack, unpack, and register Bethesda Softworks Archive (bsa) files with a user friendly interface
The Elder Scrolls Dependency Tool Kit -
by Argent
TESDTK allows manipulation of Parent Master dependencies so that Morrowind only mods can be made with all official master files loaded to prevent GMST contamination Wrye Mash Manage Mod Files and save Games. Reduce/Eliminate Doubling and several more features TESFiles - by MentalElf A tool for packaging all files in a Morrowind Mod, or uninstalling a Morrowind Mod TESRESPEC - by MentalElf Use someone else's stuff in your mod? Want to make it unique to your mod? You should if you include it in your install! Got a bunch of textures in the "Textures" directory swamp? Want them in a subdirectory with the corresponding NIFsupdated to use them? This rename enmasse tool also updates NIF texture references and ESM/ESP files with the name changes Neko's Amazing Dialogue Generator A nice little command-line tool to help with generating large amounts of repetitive dialogue. And some other useful little things that you can't do easily in the Construction Set. NVIDIA Texture Tools DDS-plug-in for Adobe Photoshop DDS Thumbnail viewer 3ds max DDS-plug-in Free Photoshop-compatible Plug-ins More plug-ins for Photoshop Free Texture Sites & Image Programs Phoebes Website for free textures Free plug-ins for 3ds max TES- Exporter, NIF- Importer and many more ACDSee Free picture viewer program VDM sound Makes your old DOS-games run smoothly in Windows 2000 and XP Avast! Anti-Virus Free Anti-Virus software ZoneAlarm Stops hackers from getting into your PC - Free Firewall Extraction and decompression software Links to download sites for the most common decompression software |